Monday, September 20, 2010

Lazy Monday

No the book was not in Turkish, it was called "the Help" about jim crow days in Missisppi and white women with the black maids that work for them. It was a very good book and I read it in two and a half days, if you have time to sit down and indulge in a 450p. book sometime soon I highly recommmend it.
Anyhow today I read the book and then took a walk in the neighborhood to try to find the beach. I found the beach but couldn't get there because it was on the other side of the train tracks. I am sure that I could have found a way over but I just wanted to get home. It was that kind of day. I am expecting my period really soon which makes me have wonderfully colorful mood swings and I miss my CA culture. Soon enough. I am leaving for Boston in seven days (really six and a half but who is counting)